Thursday, October 24, 2024
HomexxOther-Inactive-xxG.R.I.T.S.Guaranteed the Victory

Guaranteed the Victory


Amongst all the hype about the National Championship, all the planning of going or watching it, sports talk, Heisman watch and Christmas cheer, the reality is, behind all the hoppla, for most of us, real life is tugging on us, and for some, it’s trying to throw us flat on our faces.

Just a quick reminder today for a lot of you who are going through something tough and
you’re thinking to yourself “where in the world is the Light?!”

Life or what I know is “the enemy”, never takes a day off. (I’m not calling life the enemy, but sometimes we get confused with Who’s against us. It’s not life, it’s the enemy. Get it?)

He get his high off his non stop pursuit to get us knocked off our feet


and see us defeated. He never stops or takes a break. Almost  like he’s in          3-a-days but even more serious than that. His goal is steal, kill and destroy you. You might not believe it, but it’s true. He wants to STEAL your joy and peace, KILL everything about you, and DESTROY your focus and perseverance as you run after God’s will and all he has planned for your life!

That joker seems like he’s preparing for the National Championship every morning when we wake up! All pumped up to ruin our day, and do whatever he can do get us off track.

Seems scary huh?

First things first, God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE and a PEACEFUL MIND. You have nothingto be afraid of when you are living and walking in the will of God. You might say “Well, I don’t what His will is”, if you ask Him, He will show you. If you’ve asked and still seem to be lost and not sure, maybe you need to take five seconds and listen better. Chances are He’s telling us, we’re just too caught up, stressed out and full of worry to actually shut up and listen.

Second awesome point is, you’re guaranteed the Championship:

See the devil might fight like he’s

champ, but the Word of God tells us we’ve already got the VICTORY. It’s all about the result on the field right?  So it doesn’t matter who talks the biggest, or walks with the most swagg… all that goes down the drain when you get out on that field. Face to face with the enemy and you’ve got the God of the Universe on your side!? Pretty awesome  and should give you a confidence to WIN.

Think Tebow style: you know, looks like you’re loosing in the beginning, all odds on the enemy, but before it’s over, you and your team are guaranteed to find a way to pull out a WIN over the enemy!

And that light I was talking about, yeah, it’s right up ahead. In fact it’s been shining all along you just weren’t looking in the right direction. Turn around and you’ll see it.





Praying for you all this Holiday Season. I know this is the time of year is most heart wrenching for some. For others it’s the most wonderful time. If you find yourself needing praying, email me

Peace, Love & Roll Tide – Mrs. Sonshine

Haley Hunt Castille
If you came to meet a gold-diggin’, money lovin’, show stoppin’, name brand wearin’ housewife that shops all day, who knows nothing about her husband’s job except the check that comes in every Tuesday, I’m not your girl! But if gold diggin’ is considered looking for the good in others, show stoppin’ includes impacting the world around you, you think Forever 21 is luxury name-brand and shopping for the needy is a way to spend your days, you've found me! Despite what makes the headlines of mainstream media, a lot of NFL players and their wives are happily married, planning a future together, and ensuring they make an impact well beyond the game. Here I will share our life’s journey in an open, honest, behind the scenes look at what daily life is like for the majority of NFL players and families. Football lover, sports enthusiast, owner of iammermaid LLC a trendy, inspiring t-shirt line for chics (, and founder of - Follow LIKE Facebook: Mrs. Sonshine & i am mermaid llc Photos by: Kim Maye Love
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